Maxwell's Silver Hammer The Beatles

Maxwell's Silver HammerThe Beatles

Maxwell's Silver HammerThe Beatles
Статистика ротаций Количество проигрываний композиции на радио в Санкт-Петербурге
Текст песни The Beatles — Maxwell's Silver Hammer
Joan was quizzical; Studied pataphysical
Science in the home.
Late nights all alone with a test tube.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Maxwell Edison, majoring in medicine,
Calls her on the phone.
"Can I take you out to the pictures,
Joa, oa, oa, oan?"
But as she's getting ready to go,
A knock comes on the door.
Bang! Bang! Maxwell's silver hammer
Came down upon her head.
Bang! Bang! Maxwell's silver hammer
Made sure that she was dead.
Back in school again Maxwell plays the fool again.
Teacher gets annoyed.
Wishing to avoid an unpleasant
Sce, e, e, ene,
She tells Max to stay when the class has gone away,
So he waits behind
Writing fifty times "I must not be
So, o, o, o.."
But when she turns her back on the boy,
He creeps up from behind.
Bang! Bang! Maxwell's silver hammer
Came down upon her head.
Clang! Clang! Maxwell's silver hammer
Made sure that she was dead.
P. C. Thirty-one said, "We've caught a dirty one."
Maxwell stands alone
Painting testimonial pictures.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Rose and Valerie, screaming from the gallery
Say he must go free
(Maxwell must go free)
The judge does not agree and he tells them
So, o, o, o.
But as the words are leaving his lips,
A noise comes from behind.
Bang! Bang! Maxwell's silver hammer
Came down upon his head.
Bang! Bang! Maxwell's silver hammer
Made sure that he was dead.
Silver Hammer Ma, a, an.
The Beatles перевод
Maxwell s Silver Hammer
Виктор Кириллов
Джоан увлечена - ночью и совсем одна
Дома с тест-трубой
Метафизикой занималась, о, о-о-о.
Максвелл Эдисон стал заправским медиком,
Позвонил ей он:
"Не сходить в кино ли с тобой нам, Джо-о-оан?"
Лишь стала собираться она,
Как стук в дверь прозвучал...
Банг, банг, Максвелл звонким молотком лоб её пробил,
Банг, банг, Максвелл звонким молотком казнь ей учинил.
В школе побывал, Максвелл дурака валял,
Классную он злил.
И за это строго наказан был, о-о-о:
Когда все уйдут, должен был писат